
grischa rubinick is a well renowned creative director in switzerland and has been so for many years. born into an advertising family, he worked his way up from litography through graphic design into art and creative direction. he graduated from the adc/bsw creative school in 2001.

over the course of his career grischa rubinick has worked for several international network agencies such as j. walter thompson, advico young & rubicam and publicis. during this time he created and realized many successful campaigns for major brands like  coca-cola, deutsche bank, ubs, orange, heineken, mazda or garnier, to name but a few. for his work he was rewarded with pretty much all of the most prestigious awards, both national and on the world stage. this also inlcludes four  lions from cannes.

as of 2009, grischa rubinick is a permanent member of the art directors club switzerland.